Wednesday, January 26


I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine who helped me to open my eyes to how much I had lost perspective in my life. As a result of regaining some of that perspective, I've come to realize that one of the biggest reasons I'm where I'm at in life is because I haven't been following any particular passion or purpose.

Monday, January 24

A Self-Addressed Memo, Packed With Awesome!

God loves you.

Take control of your life. Be a leader. Don't be afraid to take the initiative, and stop apologizing for every little thing you do. Be a leader. Take control. You are destined to do great things! Take a few reasonable risks. Those things that you are fearful of are really not that big of a deal! Take initiative. Don't always wait for others to take control. God has foreordained you to be a leader - act the part, and He will bless you with the ability! There is a lesson to be learned in the adage, "It's better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission." Use these words wisely and realize that it is only in taking initiative and stepping out of your comfort zone that you will find the most satisfaction and growth in life.

Sunday, January 23


I'm still here. Yup! I'm alive. Well, that's what a physician would tell you, anyway.

In the interests of maintaining my sanity and not spreading my "love" of "company" (read: misery), I'll leave it at that.

Until next time... keep fit and have fun (or something like that).

- N