Friday, December 31

It's About Time

Having found myself to be unemployed for the past six months - longer than any other personal "streak", including winning The Game (*drat!*) - I've come to learn a lesson or few.

Today, after pondering my current standing in life and reflecting upon what I've accomplished and how my time has been spent, I learned a big lesson: How busy we are is inversely proportional to how well we prioritize. Think about it for a minute: How busy would you be if you ONLY had to do the absolutely necessary things - eat, sleep - on your agenda? Doesn't that sound boring?

Wednesday, December 22

Two Pairs of Jeans...

My name is Neil
And I have two pairs of jeans.

I don't wear much more than these two pair -
Slacks for church, and Khakis for other occasions.
I live a simple, uneventful life. Some would even call it boring.

I have experienced more from life than most people my age but less of living.
I have grand dreams of travel, of freedom, of family, of friendship, of giving.

I am a man of many passions; I feel constrained by my simplicity.
I've never been off this continent, and never seen the sea.
I don't do much more than work and survive.

I survive with two pairs of jeans.
And Neil still am I.

Thursday, December 9

Decked Out

♫ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪

Tomorrow evening is the last activity that I will be in charge of as Activities Committee chairperson. With the help of an awesome friend and some other members of my church group, the decorations look amazing! I'll try to remember to bring my camera tomorrow, so that I can get some pictures of the goodness! :)

I'm going to miss my calling as the activities' chair. It's been a great opportunity to learn, grow, and to gain some management skills. It's also provided a huge challenge that, as I've overcome it, I have gained some measure of confidence in my abilities and learned, bit by bit, what it means to delegate responsibilities - how much I've learned in that respect will be revealed when I get to "boss" people around for the party tomorrow!☺

At any rate... I should probably get to work on putting that "to do" list together for tomorrow, so I'm not running around... chicken... you get the point. Wish me luck on this final activities committee endeavour!

God Speed

Tuesday, December 7

Testimony (AKA "My Faith: Take Two")

Upon reading my previous post with fresh eyes, and then reading another friend's expression of faith, I decided that I didn't approach the former in quite the way I anticipated. Since it took me over 4 hours to write it, I will forgo rewriting it and will simply write a new post, instead.

My Faith
I believe in a Supreme Creator, who is God; even the God of Israel, who led Moses and his people out of Egypt. I believe that selfsame God is perfect, omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent. I believe that He is our Father and that we are His children, created in His image and after His likeness, just as we are the image and likeness of our mortal parents.

Monday, December 6

My Faith

Religion / Faith / Beliefs. This is a subject area I've been known to avoid in mixed company. Starting with friendly, respectful sharing of beliefs all too often digresses past disagreement, fault-seeking, and "disproving" until it becomes an epic religious trench war or a holocaust on an individual's beliefs. The worst part is that the entire process often occurs before either party realizes what has happened. --- I detest this pattern; I hate it to the very core. Why? It whisks love out the door, to a hasty execution. I believe that love is the most human and precious characteristic that any man can possess. Anything that destroys love has no value and deserves no consideration, even though it may have the world to evidence its truth.

Sunday, December 5

Lessons of Life

Mistakes are not a foreign concept in my life; I've made my fair share of them. Living in a world filled with adages for success and failure, right and wrong, or good and evil, it is easy to get confused about what making a mistake really means.

Friday, December 3

4-Hour Curse

This morning was another of those nights...

Don't worry, you're not crazy... at least not as a result of reading this post (although, arguably, you could be classified crazy just for reading my blog!).

I've been noticing a trend over the past few weeks... upon setting myself to the task of going to bed at a reasonable hour (e.g. 10 p.m.), it frequently follows that 2 a.m. passes without my eyes being closed for a contiguous timeframe of more than one second, let alone several hours. So embodied in my life this behaviour has seemingly become that I was even tempted to write this post before attempting sleep (which, invariably, would further delayed sleep by another hour or two while producing a much more verbose, and boring, response).

At present it seems that, with a little mental effort and attention, I can kick this obnoxious behaviour where the sun doesn't shine and kindly ask it to never return... Or I could just get a job.

Thursday, December 2


That about describes...

(You've had those days... feel free to fill in the details yourself) :P


Tuesday, November 23

Simplicity to the Rescue

Sometimes, we make decisions in life that we immediately (or shortly after) turn around and say to ourselves, "I don't actually want to do that!" These situations are even more frustrating when the simplest solution (in this case, to reverse the decision) would also have a negative impact on personal integrity.

Stripping my inward self of nearly all its temperance, I pined for options, alternatives. Finding nothing more than further excuses to fuel my incensing, a heroic question was asked: "[On a scale of 1-10] how much of an impact is this decision really going to have on your life?" LIBERATION! That was just what I needed to hear.

Recalled to mind was a lesson received, but not yet learned, from Tim Ferriss' The 4-Hour Workweek: Rate events or circumstances on a scale of 1-10 based on permanence, then re-evaluate within that new perspective. It worked perfectly! The powerful fire I had stoked within had instantly been cooled to nothing more than a few, softly glowing embers and then to little more than a memory of the inferno that had raged just moments before.

Now, while I still may not be happy about my decision, the decision won't make me unhappy; the permanence of the choice is, at most, a 2 or a 3 and there is no need to fret about it. :)

I love it when I can witness the truth and strength of simple principles unfolding before my eyes.

Thursday, May 13

Living in a BIG World

Everything is always bigger and better in our world today. Whether it's outdoing the neighbour on the size of the yard or the car that you drive, everyone seems to want to get a 1-up on the next guy.

Now, that's not to say that every "bigger and better" thing is always to outdo someone else. Sometimes it can be outdoing yourself, or somethings it can simply be bigger and/or better for the sake of finding greater enjoyment from some aspect of your life.

For me, that bigger and better is my new, BenQ 24" LED Backlit Full HD LCD Monitor. Yeah, I know. That's a mouthful, and it's also an eyeful. From the moment I pulled it out of the box, my eyes gawked at its glory. But don't get ahead of your self in thinking that I simply purchased it as another "toy." Okay. Sure, I bought it as a toy. What person wouldn't want a glorious display on which to be enraptured by movies and video games (assuming they enjoy such things).

However, it's not all fun and games for this monitor. While basking in its splendour adds a little light to my day (lol), this monitor was also purchased for work purposes. I intend to use it nearly every day (except Sundays), starting on Monday, to aid in putting together my web-based business,

Perhaps you'll get a chance to see this amazing beast. Perhaps not. But in either case, you may know that it was not purchased solely for leisure and luxury and can, as always, trust that I will be no different of a person than I normally am! ;)


Saturday, April 17

Ready or Not, Here Comes the World!

Ay Caramba!

As my final semester of college draws to a close, I am inclined to notice the fact that the "real" world is closing in on me. This is evidenced by a lack of a future class schedule and by the impending need to find or create employment to provide sustenance for myself.

Surely it can't be all that bad. I mean, I've got a (business) plan. I can get the money coming in. I can make this work. I'm sure of it!.... Aren't I?

I watch the coming events like a Great Eagle approaching to carry me away unbeknownst to me if I am prey or passenger. If I be prey, it will surely mean much stress as I struggle and scramble to gain my footing in the world. If a passenger, I will be carried to new heights and successes that I have not seen before. Obviously, I hope for the latter, but only time will truly tell what destiny I pursue.


This becomes a time of reflection and prediction, with the hope of yielding direction in my life as to where to go from here. The challenge I have right now is lack of prescience. The veiled nature of the future quickly obscures vision as I attempt to look further into the future.

I am grateful to the Lord for the immense blessings he has given me in providing sustenance and reducing worry in past years of my life, and I expect he will continue to do so. Though I have this comfort, I still find myself restless and uneasy as very significant future events crest the hill that has for so long kept them veiled from my view.

How do I feel about all of this? ...

~ inadequate ~

... Why do I feel this way? Partly because of recent challenges in my life that did not produce what I deemed to be favourable outcomes, and partly for reasons that I either do not know, do not understand, or cannot adequately explain. I must say, though, it is quite frustrating, stressful, and scary, looking forward to a future filled with great uncertainty.

Throughout it all, it is my hope and prayer that Those eyes who have been watching very carefully over me shall not forsake me in the coming months. This next few months (or years) could be a bumpy road, so I guess I'd best latch my seat-belt and prepare for the ride!

Friday, April 9

Approximately 70 Hours of Blood, Sweat and Tears (Less the Blood)

That's right. Seventy tantalizingly long hours. Seventy hours of researching, thinking, not thinking, consternating, experimenting, revising, scrapping, adding, losing, crying, finding, crunching, checking, fretting, sweating, finicking, sleeping, pacing, complaining, racing and, eventually, submitting!

You might ask what all of this -ing-ing was for? Well, it's certainly not for the sake of thinking up adjectives! It's all because of a simple concept, complex in its reality, that can be summed up in a nightmarish two words: Business Plan.

Never in my life have I EVER had an assignment like it. Never again, I expect, shall I ever see the likes of it again - at least not for school. A simple document, 38 pages in length, sapped away nearly two hours of my life for every single flimsy, yet delicate, page.

All I have to say about the experience is: WOW! I never thought it could be so much work! Alas, that dreadful time of work is over, and now begins a period of rest... kind of. Now it's on to my accounting project, which is pretty straight forward, but still time consuming...

Will this semester never end?!
- Yours Truly

Thursday, April 1

Restoring sight to the (partially) blind!

It's that glorious time! Finally!

Tomorrow, I go to Calgary to get Corrective Eye Surgery at LASIK MD. I will finally be able to get rid of those dreadful glasses I've worn for the past decade!

There will be two things about this that will sting: the price, and my eyes (for the first several days). Running nearly three grand for the procedure to be done on both eyes, I will find myself with renewed eyesight. But this price is for Advanced Custom Wavefront LASIK, and has a number of benefits:
  • Improved eyesight (of course :P)
  • 50% larger corrected area (reduced chance of "halos" around light sources)
  • 20-30% less corneal tissue removed
  • Free retreatments for life (if my prescription starts to slip back under 20/20)
  • Five years of post-op checkups
  • Full refund of the procedure price if they can't correct to 20/20 or better after a retreatment
All in all, I must say that I'm really excited! I'll be sure to post updates about how the procedure went and how the healing process is going in the near future (when it's actually safe to look at a computer screen for more than 30 seconds).


Friday, March 19

Linux: Encumbered by its Flexibility

Linux is an Free and Open Source Operating System that is the brainchild of Linus Torvalds, a Finnish software engineer. It may be altered and redistributed, free of charge (if you redistribute it, you must leave the source open in the same fashion) and it comes in a variety of flavours (AKA "distributions" or "distro's"), such as Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, and Redhat/Fedora.

Each flavour of Linux caters to a slightly, or even vastly, different audience and most of the popular flavors are free, as long as you are willing to use the online Linux community for support in lieu of a support subscription. Most Linux software applications are also free (in the same manner).

Now, Linux's biggest strength is that it has tens or hundreds of thousands of developers, with different backgrounds and strengths, from all around the world contributing to its source. Its biggest weakness is that it has tens or hundreds of thousands of developers from all around the world contributing to its source. Yup, that's right, its biggest strength is also its biggest weakness. Let me explain.

While the plethora of Linux developers have different strengths, they also have different tastes. This means that software that is created is often more secure and more efficient because there are more people to review and improve the code in their respective areas of expertise. This is the driving benefit of Open Source Software (OSS) (aside from it being free, of course). Other benefits include potentially faster application development (if planned properly), increased reliability, better features, and greater innovation.

The problem comes in the differing tastes of developers. Since developers are often unpaid, they tend to focus on projects of personal interest, rather than projects that can help to make Linux more competitive against Windows and MacOS. The result is that there are a wide variety of software to fill the needs of micro-niche markets and fewer to fill larger markets that would drive competitive innovation for the operating system.

I read in a tech blog today that porting World of Warcraft to Linux would cause a massive shift of Windows users to Linux. I couldn't agree more! Having well over 10 million users, World of Warcraft is a huge player in online gaming. If Linux could pluck even half a million or a million of those users, allowing them to play World of Warcraft (without having to paying for Cedega or other Windows-Emulation software, or have to deal with WINE's bugs and quirks), it would be inevitable that developers would follow suit and Linux development would accelerate.

As for me, I just sit, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Linux to finally get its chance to shine in a world of corporate giants like Microsoft and Apple.

Thursday, March 18

Recent Times

There has been a lot of development in my life lately. A year and a half ago, I had an extroversion explosion. I became addicted to people! Whether it was playing, talking, or just playing, I grew so dependent on being around people that I was constantly reaching out for interaction. I thrived off of the energy of other people, and continually sought to bring more positive people into my life. A result of this extroversion has been a significantly increased friends base and vastly increased level of popularity.

I once was known simply as the person that everyone knew and that knew only a few. This fact was simply because I stood out: I asked questions in class, provided feedback at work, and was active at church. I didn't go out of my way to meet people, let alone to get people to meet me.

Oh, how times have changed! Now, I have a large peer group because I make myself known. I introduce myself to new people regularly, I attend smaller parties when I can, I continue to be a contributing member at work and school, I'm even more active at church and in church activities, and I spend a lot of my time with people who enjoy spending time with people.

The overall effect on my life: I've received support through part of the hardest time of my life, and have managed to return to a state of happiness and relative stability! I wish for God to bless all of my friends, especially those who have been there for me in recent times, and thank Him for the great blessing that they have been to me!

*Raises the proverbial glass for a toast*... to my Friends! :)

The Bill Engvall Approach to Life

Some of you may be familiar with Bill Engvall. If you're not, that is somewhat of a tragedy.

Bill is renowned for his comical (and, seemingly justified) dispassion for "stupid people." He explains this anti-affinity in the following manner:
I just hate stupid people. They should have to wear signs that just say "I'm Stupid." That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask anything. It'd be like "Excuse me... Oh! Nevermind. I didn't see your sign!
I often wonder to myself what the world would be like if we adopted this kind of approach? I wonder if people would try harder to figure things out on their own, if common sense would become the norm, and if natural competition would foster greater intelligence?

Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking... there would be many people who don't agree with this philosophy. It would violate human rights charters and create an imbalance in society where instead of there being a considerable gap between rich and poor, there would instead (or additionally) be a gap between "smart" and "stupid." We'd find discrimination against those seen as less intelligent, and they would be consigned to work in burger joints and socially necessary jobs while those of high IQ would work according to their passions, desires, and affinities (ironically, Mr. Engvall could remain in the exact same profession). The disparity this view could create would seemingly offset any potential benefits and would likely (re)form the free continent we live on back into one of heavy discrimination, and of slavery and abuse of the "lesser" peoples.

Obviously, I don't believe in a world like the one described above. However, just as a common man may dream of a life on a sunny beach with beautiful women, as far removed from reality it may be, I dream of a what life would be like if obligation to help others arose out of their use common sense and their willingness to "RTFM" (Read The Flippin' Manual).

Without considering the plethora of disadvantages and problems to such a world, the benefits seem almost miraculous. Better educational systems, greater economic competition, immensely superior creativity, and flourishing technological and economic innovation could all possibly develop. Of course this is an idealistic view but, at least for me, it's interesting to think of. I'd also imagine that anyone who's worked in customer service for any extended period of time would probably sympathize with me :P

Tuesday, March 16

About This Blog

So here's the deal: This blog is intended to be a sort of public journal for myself. As such, you are more than welcome to read the contents herein and make comments and provide feedback as you see fit. I only ask that you keep be considerate of others who may read this blog and refrain from swearing or derogatory language.

Thanks, and enjoy your stay!

A quick post to kick things off:

Now I have a place to play and to express myself while letting those look on who choose to so do.

I would say "Welcome to my blog," but as the content of the blog has not yet come to fruition, I do not yet have much to welcome you to. Also, while I may call this a new home for my thoughts, and while everyone is very much welcome to be here, be warned: Some content that surfaces here could make some visitors uncomfortable.

Also noteworthy is the fact that the content here will often go without proper citation. Why? The quick answer is simple: I'm lazy. The complete answer is, well, I'm too lazy to answer that right now.

And so, seeings how you've been warned of who I am and what content could be like here... please do try to enjoy your stay :)
